You probably haven’t considered building a custom home, before–but you definitely should. Custom homes can provide incredible benefits.
The term “custom home” is synonymous with “luxury” for a lot of people. Some think that custom homes involve extensive planning, time-consuming building and, of course, painfully expensive. You probably haven’t considered building a custom home, before–but you definitely should. Custom homes can provide incredible benefits; you may have not even thought about some of them. If you’re curious about custom homes and think they could be for you, read on.
They will save you money.
Yes! This is an unexpected advantage that custom homes have over pre-built homes. A lot of neighborhoods in Maryland are pretty old, and the newer ones are ridiculously priced. Not to mention, older homes mean more problems. Plumbing, electrical, decaying roofs and siding–you name it. Pre-built homes mean expensive repairs. When you build a custom home, you have the option of receiving the newest, energy-efficient equipment. Your materials will be brand new. Everything will be built to your expectations, all while being kind to your wallet.
You’ll have extra privacy.
These days, privacy is more important than many builders realize. Newer neighborhoods are not built to give their residents the most privacy possible. A custom home can be built to a specific orientation, or with well-planned windows. Sometimes, a chosen location will also help with privacy. You won’t have to worry about nosy neighbors when your home is built to your standards.
It will be yours and only yours.
Of course, the best part about custom homes is that they completely represent who you are and who your family is. Everything about it will be carefully built to cater specifically to your family. From the number of bedrooms to the appliances you choose, and all the way to the color of the roof–your home is yours. Considering your home is one of the largest investments you’ll ever make, it’s important for it to be representative of your life and your personality.
Do you need a custom home in Maryland?
If you’re convinced a custom home is right for you, Robin Ford will build your perfect dream house. You’ll be 100% satisfied with the results; we promise energy efficiency, acceptable price, privacy and originality. When you work with Robin Ford, you get the best service you can buy.
As an Indoor airPLUS Partner, ENERGY STAR® Partner, Certified Green Professional, and Maryland’s only proud member of the exclusive Southern Living Custom Builder Program – Robin Ford Building and Remodeling, Inc. is equipped to build you a home that your children’s children will want to own.
Call 410-239-8850 or contact us here to start experiencing The Robin Ford Difference today. You can also connect with us on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn.