Having everything outside winter-themed will make your custom house’s decor pop
As the seasons begin to change, it is a good opportunity for you to refresh your custom house’s outdoor décor. Not only can it help enhance the overall look and feel of your house, but it can also be quite fun. Plus, you will be able to enjoy the result as well. Whether you’re a brand new custom house owner or are just starting the building process now, having everything winter-themed will make your home pop. Here are a handful of winter outdoor décor ideas to help inspire you!
Create a Winter-Themed Display for Your Custom Home
A well-done display right on your front porch can be a simple, non-permanent way to help upgrade your custom house exterior and create a more welcoming front porch. Plus, you could create a display at any time of the year. It is just a lot easier to find a bunch of different options if you happen to match it up with the winter seasonal theme. As winter starts to creep up, think about creating some type of winter-themed display. A sled or wagon can be a definite focal point for a winter display and gives you something to build around.
Put Up Some Lights
As it starts to get darker a lot earlier, consider placing some lights outside your home. They can have a huge impact on the look and feel of your custom home. Christmas lights and displays also tend to start popping up on homes this time of year too. You could light up your home and yard with your Christmas lights and decorations too. You could go for a more subtle look to create a magical, elegant winter wonderland. Recessed lights can also be added to your walkways. Stake lights and smaller post lights can be temporary and less invasive if you don’t want anything too bright.
Repurpose Your Custom House Landscape
If you’ve got any trees in or near your yard, you might end up with some sticks, leaves, branches, or pinecones on the ground. Consider cleaning all of this up to make your custom home’s exterior looking sharp. If you are currently in the early stages of building your custom house, discuss with your contractor about the location of your home if you don’t want any debris making its way onto your lawn (or at least a minimum amount).
Robin Ford can help you to build the custom home of your dreams!
With over 30 years of award-winning custom home building experience, Robin Ford and his team of expert craftsmen have earned a stellar reputation for their commitment to quality. Click here to learn more about our financing options and how we can help you find a home within your budget.
As an Indoor airPLUS Partner, ENERGY STAR® Partner, Certified Green Professional, and Maryland’s only proud member of the exclusive Southern Living Custom Builder Program –Robin Ford Building and Remodeling, Inc. is equipped to build you a home that your children’s children will want to own.
Call 410-239-8850 or contact us here to start experiencing The Robin Ford Difference today. You can also connect with us on Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.